This fall we'll be starting an in-depth study on the book of Isaiah, and we hope you'll join us! We are planning to approach this study in a new way, with a mix of in-person and online meetings. Our class will meet at 9:30am Sundays from September 10 - December 10, 2017 (skipping the last Sunday of the month for Ministry & Counsel). We'll cover a specific number of verses (posted below) and have discussion about the world and messages in the text and their relevance for our lives today.

If it's hard for you to join us for the in-person classes, we welcome your participation here, on our blog! Katherine will post questions for reflections each week related to the chapters we're taking a look at, and we hope you'll post responses, ideas, comments, and more.

Here's the schedule for the fall study:

A 10-week class

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